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SiteGuru Appsumo Lifetime Deal – SEMrush Alternative 2023

Your site is ready to go, but you’re not. Before your site can be found by search crawlers and indexed by search engines, it needs to be optimized. 

Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the visibility of your website to improve its organic search results appearance. 

We provide an SEO audit for your homepage and subpages that will give you a detailed analysis of your site’s work and what could be done better. 

Here is SiteGuru.

Hi there, My name is Akram; I will discuss SiteGuru – the master of your website’s SEO.

With our suggestions in mind and the end goal of creating a powerful yet user-friendly SEO-friendly website, we provide you with a prioritized list of SEO tasks that should be done today. 

We also offer our expertise via training and consulting services, so if you’re looking for ways to grow your business through SEO or need some help with optimization, let us know!

What is SEO?

SEO can help increase your site’s traffic, reduce costs, and boost profits. However, SEO is not just about ranking well in search engines like Google. 

It’s also about building a solid reputation and customer base for your business by creating a valuable user experience through quality content. 

The first step towards improving your ranking in search engines is determining which keywords are important to you and what kind of customer searches make up those keywords. 

You’ll also want to find out what methods search engines use to determine a site’s authority or how trustworthy it appears. 

It will help you develop strategies that match the needs of both search engines and potential customers searching for your services or products. 

For example, if you’re selling college textbooks online, then “how much college textbook” would be one type of keyword that would be important to focus on; whereas if you were selling beach chairs, it might be more relevant for you to focus on “where to buy beach chairs.”

The Importance of SEO

Search engines like Google use algorithms to decide which websites show up in their results, and Google uses this information to help users find what they’re looking for online.

SiteGuru Appsumo Lifetime Deal - Features 1

SEO gives your website the best chance of being found on these search results pages. 

If you want your business to succeed in this day and age, it can’t rely solely on organic search traffic. 

For example, suppose you want to gather more customers or sell more products or services. In that case, SEO is a valuable process that can help grow your business faster than organic search traffic alone. 

To improve your SEO ranking, you need to know what works and what doesn’t on your site. 

With our SEO audit, you’ll notice quick changes that can be made to increase your website’s visibility across all platforms so more people can see it.

How will contributing to SEO improve my website’s ranking?

SEO is the process of increasing the visibility of your website in order to improve its organic search results appearance. 

The more visible your website is, the more likely it is that you’ll be found organically by the people who are searching for it. 

In order to optimize your website, there are several things you can do: 

– Creating an SEO-friendly site content strategy 

– Using keywords effectively in page titles and meta descriptions – Optimizing your website’s title tags and URL structure

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Step 1: Analyze the site you want to optimize.

The first step in optimizing a website is to check out the current state of SEO on that site. 

It can be done through a manual audit or by using SiteGuru. SiteGuru is your SEO Specialist for finding new opportunities for optimization, as well as providing an analysis of what needs to be changed and how it should be done. 

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Step 2: Identify the issues with your website.

As with anything, it’s important to identify the issues with your website before you can fix them. 

Look for things like outdated content, broken links, and low-quality images. 

If you have an issue or two, start with these three steps: 

  1. Find where the problem is on your site 
  2. Fix or update the issue 
  3. Review your website again to see if this fix creates other problems

Step 3: Add your brand’s keywords.

Adding your brand’s keywords to the page is a crucial step in SEO. 

When done correctly, this can significantly increase your reach and potential for generating sales. 

The most important thing is finding the right words to use that align with your brand and help people find you on search results pages. 

You can find these keywords by researching what content already exists on the website and what people are already searching for, or if you want to get more sophisticated, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find new keywords.

Once you know what terms people are searching for, it’s time to add them to your website. 

SiteGuru should be done through specific keyword placement (headings, subheadings, and URLs) as well as within content (within sentences and paragraphs). 

SEO isn’t always about optimizing for long-tail keywords; popular keywords will significantly impact ranking websites and getting traffic from search engines.

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Step 4: Create content that ranks well on Google.

Regarding SEO, the most important aspect of search engine optimization is creating content that ranks well on Google. 

It is because search engines are only indexing and ranking pages that pass their algorithms, which means they only rank pages with high-quality content. 

If your page isn’t optimized for Google, it won’t appear in the results list when someone searches for a particular keyword. 

To increase the discoverability of your website, you need to create content that will rank well on Google. 

There are many ways to do this, but creating unique and informative content about your business is the first step. 

When people find what they’re looking for on your website and share it with their friends on social media, it makes them look good as well.

Step 5: Rank for more keywords.

The most important step in the SEO process is ranking for the right keywords. 

You can’t expect to rank for important words like “car,” “sushi,” and “social media” if you’re only targeting broad, general terms.

So make sure you’re creating content relevant to your audience and keyword-rich. 

From our experience with clients, we find they produce more relevant content when they use a keyword tool such as Google Keyword Planner, which will help them identify what phrases are searched for on their website or blog.

SiteGuru Pricing Plans

Make your on-page and technical SEO audit with SiteGuru. You can make your site highly super optimized.

It comes with three pricing plans;

StarterMedium, and Agency.

Starter Plan $29/mo:

  • 2 websites
  • Unlimited users
  • Up to 2500 pages
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Google Search Console integration

Medium Plan $49/mo:

  • Everything Starter Plan
  • 10 websites

Agency Plan $149/mo:

  • Everything Medium Plan
  • 50 websites
  • White label reports

Wanna a free trial?

Or, Get SiteGuru Appsumo Lifetime Deal Plan for $49.00.

Also, enjoy up to 95% OFF from every Appsumo Lifetime Deal. And SiteGuru is one of them.

Appsumo will help you reduce spending money on software with its Lifetime Deal pricing.

SiteGuru Appsumo Lifetime Deal [$49]

Using SiteGuru, you will get a full SEO audit that tells you what you need and what will improve your ranking. 


  • Lifetime access to SiteGuru Plan
  • 1 website
  • Up to 500 pages
  • Unlimited users – invite clients and colleagues
  • Export all reports to CSV
  • Download Word reports

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SEO is an important tool your website can use to increase traffic as well as improve your business’s online presence. With SiteGuru, you can track and prioritize SEO tasks that need to be addressed. 

With a weekly SEO audit, you can find the time you need to make the most of your SEO budget.

Note: Most deals are out of stock within a week of coming to Appsumo. So take it now if you need it.

Also, check the amazing deal of Uptimia amazing tool.

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